DIY Vintage Coffee Can Tiered Tray

Monday, July 30, 2012

Back when I was working on a few coffee themed party elements (invite, seating chart and wreath) for a friend, I picked up some old coffee cans that I never ended up using. I loved the color and the charm of the old packaging so I had to do something with them! (Please tell me I'm not the only person who hoards pretty tins for 'later use') Off to the hardware store for supplies to make a 3 tiered tray to hold tea bags, sugar packets and that sort of thing. Perfect for entertaining.


To make your own version you'll need: a threaded rod (7/16 in 1 foot length was perfect for this project), 6 washers + nuts, 3 smaller nuts and bolts to use as feet. Assuming you already have a drill and dremel, the total damage is only a few bucks and everything can be picked at any hardware store. As you can see I spraypainted the inside of the cans because they were really rusty. If your tins don't have this problem you can skip over this step entirely.


Mark the center of the bottom of each can and drill a hole large enough to accomadate your threaded rod. Drill 3 more holes for your nuts+bolts 'feet' in your bottom tin only. Use a dremel to sand away any stray metal pieces around your holes. Screw in your smaller nuts+bolts to serve as feet on the bottom tin. Layer your tins at the desired heights by sandwiching the nuts and washers at the bottom and base of each tin. Voila, you are done!

And yes, that is my handsome husband wearing my sunglasses as eye protection. Isn't he fabulous?


  1. The Summer Kitchen Girls9:07 AM

    Terribly fabulous! {the project and the husband ~ lol!!}  Great idea...thanks for instructions!

  2. just too much fabulousness!
    love it....

  3. dearemmeline10:10 AM

    great idea!!  looks so cute with al the drink supplies piled in!

  4. Love the look of old tins - this is a good idea to incorporate them. Great look on your husband.  He should consider fah-shion for a career.

  5. Love the idea.
    Also your husband did great with those sunglasses, really. :D
    And no, you are NOT the only one collecting great looking tins.

  6. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Super cute and no, I definitely have one too many glass jars in my pantry for a TBD project so you're not alone!

  7. This looks perfect! Love the whole idea of it! You guys are genius! Where did you find the vintage coffee tins? Love to make this for our house!

  8. Marcelena Melton1:07 PM

    I'm glad my hubby isn't the only one who uses my shades as eye protection!  Great project too!

  9. I dont remember exactly. I want to say I got them at Brimfield (they were marked 2 dollars each but I ended up with a bunch of them for a lot less) but it could have been any flea market.  Lots of people seem to use coffee cans for garage storage so I dont think they should be too hard to find.

  10. carmel3:35 PM

    Oh my gosh - I love this idea!  

  11. OMG this is AWESOME! I soooo want a coffee themed party one day!!!

  12. Twisted Susan9:15 PM

    Safety first, darling!

  13. jen topp7:32 PM

    I LOVE this!!!!!!!!!!!!  So clever.

  14. Corrine8:00 PM

    OMG.. this is absolutely AWESOME!!!! I am a tin collector of all sizes, types. It is just wonderful.  Thank you for sharing! :) Corrine

  15. What a fantastic idea and so fun.  I love this!

  16. Thanks for the suggestion!

  17. Love this idea! It'd make a great gift too :)

  18. Lindy@Itsy Bitsy Paper7:48 AM

    This is awesome!!  I know my mom has a stash of old cans that she swears she will use but never does--I might be raiding her little collection.  Beautiful and functional!

  19. Martha12:23 PM

    What a fun idea. I love everything about it: vintage colors, typography, old metal! To top it off, you turned it into something useful. Way to go. - Martha from


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