Oh Baby: Window Treatments

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Nope, nursery still isn't done yet but I'm trying to be zen about it all because the holdup is out of my hands now (waiting for my glider).  I'm still hoping to have it before baby for my own sake but zen, zen, ZEN!

WindowTreatmentsTonicLiving (3 of 3)

Focusing on the positive I just had to share how much I love the window treatments. You know how I'm all about the DIY but I took your advice and got some help in this area and I'm so glad I did.  Jen of Rambling Renovators introduced me to Janine of Tonic Living and the rest is history.  Helpful doesn't even cover it - she quickly sent me a bunch of swatches and went round and round on different options until it was settled. Its such a joy to work with people like her!

WindowTreatmentsTonicLiving (2 of 3)WindowTreatmentsTonicLiving (1 of 3)

For the curious, I went with pinch pleat drapes in this suzanni fabric with tuscany white linen bands on either side in a white linen along with a softly draped roman shade in the same white linen (which is all hung on a cheapo Ikea rod) The finish on these is just gorgeous and the photos don't do them justice but I'll say it anyway - they fall beautifully and were made in the perfect size for my odd shaped window.  I especially love how the print is feminine without screaming baby.  (Thats right - I have a thing against princess and baby duck prints - so sue me.)  It softens the whole room nicely.

On the practical side of things, both the shade and the drapes have blackout lining which makes this room dark as night when they are closed.  Hopefully that will mean a few minutes of extra sleep in my future. 

Sometimes I come in here just to fondle the fabric.  That is how much I love them.  Have I gushed enough?

In other nursery news, we now have a painted dresser, books on the shelves, a semi outfitted crib, a furry rug and some frames on the walls.  So I have lots more to show you before the big reveal coming up just as soon as that final piece arrives.  Tick tock.

In the meantime, catch up with all the nursery progress in these prior posts:


  1. Sherry8:56 AM

    The window treatment is gorgeous… I love your choice of colors!  Looking good!

  2. Giulia Doyle9:21 AM

    I love it - the colour and pattern is different yet classic - good choice.  and I love Tonic Living. I had my dining room drapes made by them and am so happy. The service and quality is excellent.

  3. They are gorgeous! And the color is perfect with the dark walls. Love!

  4. Jean Leoard Cox9:42 AM

    I'm so happy and excited for you and your new daughter to be!  The nursery is lovely.

  5. Debbie9:44 AM

    Looks beautiful!

  6. Lexi M10:19 AM

    LOVE LOVE LOVE it!  I'm so glad I read your blog because I think I just found the fabric for my nursery!  I'm leaning towards "Gazebo, Umber."  I am with you in not liking things super princess or animals all over the room.  I want it to be a room that can grow with her as she gets older and not something thats too babyish.  Do you like the Gazebo Umber print? http://www.tonicliving.com/productsDetails.asp?categoryid=17&productid=2710&currentpage=1&onsale=0One of my friends thought it looked more like it was for a living room.  I would be interested in your thoughts. :)

  7. Looks like a lovely nursery fabric to me. I probably wouldn't like it as much for strictly adult space like a living room since its very feminine but for a girls nursery, it's perfect!

  8. Lexi M10:47 AM

     Awesome!  So glad you like it!  You have great taste, so I feel confident in your opinion. :)  Thanks so much for responding to my post, it means a lot to me as I am sure you are a busy person and can't always respond to every post. :)

  9. theblahblahblahger11:35 AM


  10. So BEAUTIFUL!!!

  11. Gorgeousglam14:11 PM

    Oh I love this!!! gorg color. xx

  12. Love the curtains. They look really beautiful against the navy. My girls room/nursery is still not done and my babe is 2 months. Oh well.

  13. Dina @ Honey + Fitz4:02 PM

    LOVE the colors.  It looks amazing.  I just posted about our nursery curtains today too and we're totally on the same page...I went neutral with a detailed band.  Kind of the reverse of yours.  Can't wait to see the whole room!

  14. Athoughtfulplaceblog5:34 PM

    Those are stunning. Huge fan of Tonic Living as well! 

  15. Elise8:42 AM

    The fabric is amazing... but i'm curious why you didn't run the pole across the whole room to balance out the off centre window? 

  16. I'm not a wall of fabric fan really - particularly in small room. Plus I don't think there is any reason to hide the off center window since I will be leaving the drapes open most of the time anyway.

    In a message dated 12/14/2012 8:45:04 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, notifications@disqus.net writes:


  17. Love the curtains and how they just pop agains the walls!

  18. sandjmac2:18 PM

    got to compliment you (again!)  I love curtains (and blinds, and colours, and furniture) that doesn't look like everyone else, and I am guessing this babe will have good taste inflicted on it from a very early stage!  Looking good in there!

  19. Brenda @ DIY HOME DECOR BLOGS9:26 PM

    Blackout curtains are an absolute must have in a nursery if you want your baby to start getting his nights and days straight!!  I love the curtains - color and pattern!

  20. Beautiful! Your little sweet pea is going to be here and enjoying that beautiful room before you know it : )

  21. Andrea11:33 PM

    Love the print, my girls have the same fabric as their shower curtain :)


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