What a difference a year makes...

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

One year ago today we were soaking in the experience of the lantern festival in Taiwan.  Before the big nighttime release, we joined the crowd to send our own wishes skyward: health, luck and a dragon baby (according to the Chinese zodiac, this past year was the year of the dragon which happens to be a a lucky one).

Taiwan (48 of 89)

One year later, our wish is one month old.
AgathaMonth1Week4 (28 of 41)AgathaMonth1Week4 (2 of 41)Rock, paper, scissors...She may not like sleeping in it but I can enjoy the view anyway.Pinned.
She may not sleep at night but at least she lets us enjoy a lingering cup of coffee at brunch. #prioritiesYou put the thermometer where????Again with the camera? Why I oughta...A little caffeine to get through the long night.Oh for me?  You shouldn't have!
Nothing makes me laugh more than bags under mommy's + daddy's eyes. #nosleepinbrooklyn #13daysoldAgathaMonth1Week3 (25 of 25)What I wish I was doing right now.Big pimping styleHappy new year, happy new life.

What a difference a year makes!

Click here to read more about our trip to Taiwan or like Brooklyn Limestone on facebook to see more of our adventures in parenting.


  1. aaaaw, agatha is so beautiful! and now the years are going to fly by.... enjoy it all!

  2. she is such a sweetie. My 3rd daughter is 11 months old now, and seeing these pictures yearns for her newborn days. They pass in a flash, so soak it all in!!

  3. She is so pretty!!!! :) And you're right- a year can change so much. It's hard to even imagine where we will be in a year from today. Both exciting and terrifying to imagine. :)

  4. This is such a sweet post. Agatha is so beautiful and I've loved seeing your pics on Instagram. Enjoy that adorable little girl, even in your sleepless haze. :)

  5. how did you make the picture with captions??

    she really is adorable...congrats!


  6. She is beautiful! What a creative way to talk about some of her milestones, likes and dislikes. I promise from experience, you will be looking back at this same time next year and saying the exact same thing...What a difference a year makes!

  7. Sooo true! Ahhhh she's gorgeous!!!

  8. Just thought you should know.
    Earlier today I tried to view your site, but I was booted off with a Malware warning.
    From 3 different computers! I am finally able to view your site...from my tablet.

  9. That's such a precious way of (quickly) telling a story. She's a cutie!

  10. She is absolutely gorgeous! I love seeing her sweet face on your blog! Congratulations!

  11. "happiest whilst eating" Mmmmmmm; is this a gourmet chef in the making? So pleased you are enjoying your lovely dragon baby.

  12. The best wish was granted in little Abigail.

  13. 2012 was a lucky year for me too! We had a dragon baby also :) It was leap year too! Double luck. Agatha is just a beauty!

  14. Love that your wish came true! She is a beauty like her mama!

  15. That's such a lovely story and you have a beautiful child!
    Wishes do come true :)

  16. She's so beautiful, I'm so happy for you and your dragon baby! What a great story! She really is beautiful!

  17. What a beautiful, perfect wish! :-)

    Erin @ The Great Indoors

  18. I love the "month status" photograph! Just the proofreader in me, I see that it says "bathime." I love your entire site, keep it up!!

  19. Aw, your dragon baby! She is absolutely adorable.

  20. I am so happy for you and your little one. She is so sweet. Can you imagine our twins will be 20 this weekend! They grow up way too fast.

  21. Congratulations! Kids are awesome!


  22. She is completely precious!


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