Flying By: Two Months

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Last week was Agatha's two month mark and its certainly flying by. This month we got to see her beautiful smiles and the start of her personality not to mention she has filled out a bit into being more of a squishy baby versus scrawny newborn. Of course I'm working on a baby book so I don't forget this magical time and she gets to see how adorable she was when she was younger but time is just flying by too quickly.

All tuckered out from her first photoshoot with the amazing @laurabruen www.laurabruenphoto.comEven her frowns melt my heart.Guess who can start traveling the world now?My little assistant.Happy Valentine's Day lovers!
She isn't colicky but she is cowlicky! #babysfirstbadhairday #stillcuteWho knew The World Book still existed? #babysfirsttriptothelibraryYou talking to me?Extreme close up!Well, hello there...


  1. yup, she's a super cutie! My babe just turned 1 year old, which I'm not sure how it's possible since I'm pretty sure she was born a mere few months ago

  2. So so sweet. She really is a gorgeous baby. Glad you guys are enjoying the heck out of her.

  3. So cute! My little one is 5 weeks today, so I'm loving watching you go through the same journey. Also - I wanted to ask - where is the bib in the main photo from? We are in need of some absorbent bibs around here :)

    1. That bib is by Aden&Anais. Pricey but very nice.

  4. Such beautiful blue eyes! Enjoy every minute for they grow up so quickly.

  5. So cute! Are you going to write about the baby book? I have a ten week old and love seeing how others are tracking the experience.

    1. I'm still figuring out how I want to lay it out but yes I will share it here.

  6. Sweet Agatha! Gummy smiles are the best.

  7. What a sweet baby girl! Will you be sharing how you create your monthly pictures withe updates? I would love to create something similar to print and add to my baby book.

  8. Anonymous5:39 PM

    She's beautiful!

  9. So precious, congrats girl!!

  10. That picture of her sleeping just melts my heart. So precious!

  11. She is beautiful! I know you're cherishing every moment you can.

  12. She is just lovely! Enjoy every second- our oldest will be 21 next month. It's true that time flies!

  13. Those baby smile are to-die for. Happy 2 months, A and mom.

  14. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Oh! She is so sweet, and congrats on her first passport ;)
    I'm sure your baby book is going to be fantastic!
    The blurb books from your travels are what inspired me to make my own after we got back from vacation in Europe last year.

  15. Aww, what a cutie!
    Jillian -

  16. oh my! she's beautiful!

  17. Oh my goodness - I love her delicate little features. Congratulations!

    Warmly, Michelle
    Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust

  18. Agatha is the cutest!

    I'm expecting a girl soon and can't wait.

    As we start putting together the nursery, yours is such an inspiration!
    Anyway thought i would just say hi. I am a frequent long time reader who doesn't comment often enough. But I always love your writing and photography, and of course design.


  19. I love your IG posts with that sweet face...they just make my day!


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