Sweetheart Birth Announcement

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

If you follow this blog you know I'm not satisfied with traditional stationery so I had to do something different for baby's announcements. I originally wanted to a twist on a flip book but a few sleepless nights had me scraping that plan.  Instead, I wrapped small boxes of conversation hearts in a print using the letters from Agatha's name and then attached a 4 panel birth announcement before tying a bow on it.

BabyAnnouncementsBROOKLYNLIMESTONE (1 of 9)
BabyAnnouncementsBROOKLYNLIMESTONE (7 of 9)BabyAnnouncementsBROOKLYNLIMESTONE (5 of 9)
BabyAnnouncementsBROOKLYNLIMESTONE (4 of 9)

I think they turned out pretty cute but would have been far more adorable in February. Oh well.  I'm sure my friends appreciated the sweet surprise even if it was a little late.

I got really good at tying tiny bows for this one.  Might come in handy for other little girl things.


  1. Those are beautiful and so clever. I love the whole thing, especially the print using the letters in her name. Well done mom! What a great way to announce such a sweetheart!

  2. Love them! So adorable! How did you attach the announcement card to the box of heart candy?

    1. Thanks. The box wrap was glued around the candy box and the announcent was glued to the box wrap.

    2. Thank you! You are so talented!

  3. You never cease to amaze me! These are adorable and I love that you stayed true to your originality! Hugs from Conroe, TX

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I think people are always excited when they receive something in the mail that has come from thinking outside of the box! And these non-traditional birth announcements do just that! I think they are so adorable and such a great idea!

  5. I love it & the timing is perfect for Agatha. You are so creative! I'm glad you still have a little time & energy to share it with us.

  6. Anonymous1:49 PM


  7. Typical you. Brilliant and oh so adorable:)

  8. Oh my word, I would love getting that as a birth announcement! So adorable!

  9. Wowsa!
    Best birth announcements I've ever seen. Wouldn't worry about it being a different month :))

  10. These are so adorable!


  11. I love your baby's name!

  12. Love them! Gorgeous job, as always.


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