Painting a vintage bathtub

Friday, July 19, 2013

If you have seen my parlor bathroom, you know I'm a fan of painting a tub base in a fun shade. No surprise I would write about it on MyColortopia. What are your thoughts on the topic?  Whether you love it or hate it, I hope you'll swing by to chat color with me! 

You already know I love this room but I've been itching to paint the bathtub base lately.  I still like the silver but something about a black base with little stars (kind of like what Rambling Renovators did on their bathroom wall but in a small scale) has been bouncing around in my head for a long time.  Am I crazy?


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    The black is fun, but I love the lighter blue with the color of the tiles in there!

  2. So fun!! If it is an easy job, just do it! If you tire of it in a year, you can just repaint it :-)

    That said - I like the dark teal. And the black.

  3. I totally have eight pointed stars on my mind lately, so I love that option the most :) I vote "not crazy" :)

  4. I actually love the darker colors. It balances the lighter bathroom well.

  5. Yes, you are! So go or it! It's only paint and if you don't love it you can change it. Life's too short, do it!

  6. By crazy do you mean brilliant? Dooooo iiiiiiitttt! Seriously, I think it would look fantastic - and what great contrast!


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