Favorite Entertaining Post: Put a Label on It!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Before I close out this series, I thought it would only be fair to add my own favorite entertaining trick.  It's one I use shamelessly all the time.  Simply put: PUT A LABEL ON IT!  Honestly, anything looks more fancy when labeled. Even if you already know exactly what it is!  Want proof?

See what I mean? Plain old tap water looks a little more appetizing when presented this way.

Thanks again to Design DazzleKarma Flowers,  Victoria Elizabeth BarnesThe Sweetest DigsPepper Design Blog,  Creature Comforts, and Go Haus Go for sharing their favorite entertaining tips with us. Have your own entertaining trick you want featured?  Drop me a line.


  1. I love those! Not just the labels but the bottles too. My family is so accustomed to bottled water they always look horrified when I hand them a glass of water. Even though I live in an area with delicious, clean water. If I bottled it up like that I think they would be thrilled.

    1. Thanks. The funniest thing about these is that Ive had them all ready to go for guests coming over multiple times and I always seem to forget to set them out. I do this all the time. Its like I can't see what is right in front of me in the fridge despite opening it a bunch of times. So there, you have been duly warned :)

  2. I also love labels! I went a little crazy with the chalkboard paint a while back and put labels on tons of jars. It's an easy DIY project that looks great.


  3. A few years back I had a Christmas party for my daughter & friends. I a labeled the water carafes as "melted snow". I thought it was pretty cute and an original idea (which I am sure is posted out there) for me.

  4. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Oh my goodness! Where did you get those bottles at? So cute!

    1. Thanks. The bottles are sold at Ikea.


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