Steal this Idea*: Make A Zippered Pouch

Friday, September 13, 2013

Its Friday (yippee!) - time for another Steal this Idea* feature - a tiny show of appreciation for a well executed tutorial.

Today's feature is something I wish I could duplicate but I have absolutely no idea how to sew a zipper on (I've come to terms with the fact that I'm officially hopeless with learning new things on a sewing machine unless a human being physically shows me how in person - no book learning for me.) Maybe because I know I can't do it the allure of making my own pencil case/makeupcase/ zippered pouch is so much more appealing? No matter because I have to show you anyway.

The above version is adorable overload from Spoonflower. The cat is probably not appropriate for my 35 year old self but that wouldn't stop me.  Also loving this typewriter version via Dining Room Drawers.

Too kitch for you?   How about something more literal like this art supply pouch via chezbepperbebe

I could probably list another 20 examples but I'll stop myself. Must learn how to sew on zippers!

Have you made your own zippered pouch?  I want to see.

Do you know how to sew a zipper?  What are you waiting for?  Get to pouch making, damnit!

postscript: *When I say steal, I really mean borrow nicely and give proper credit!

**If you have an idea/tutorial you would like me to consider for a feature, email me. I'd love to see!


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    My 27-year-old cousin who's a sophisticated RN would love that cat pouch so don't feel bad.

  2. I am totally with you on learning new sewing tricks. I also suck at pattern reading for the same reason...I totally need to see someone doing it. A local (Hoboken) sewing studio offers mini lessons on things like zippers and hems so I've benefited quite a bit from that!

    All that said, I still fear the zippered pouch. :-) I think it's time for Zipper 101 for me.

  3. Thanks for sharing my tutorial! It really isn't too hard... promise! This pencil case was my first go! Helen x

  4. Zippers are pretty much just sewing in straight lines. I do want to master the lined zippered pouch though.

  5. Hey, I am a 62 year old retired lady, and I would LOVE that cat pouch!! Go with what makes you happy and makes you smile!!

  6. Nice! I sewed a zippered pouch about a year ago... it was easy enough but I haven't tried again since!

  7. If you are ever coming to the San Francisco Bay area.....drop me a line....I'd be more than happy to teach you zippers.....they are very easy....My mom taught me how about 45 years ago. My method is super simple and I don't even use a zipper foot!!

    In the meantime....go to Youtube an type in how to insert a zipper...there will be a million video tutorials on how to do can learn anything on Youtube!!

    Buy some cheap zippers and cheap fabric (and a seam ripper)....and go for it!!!!

  8. If you're ever in Oklahoma, I'll teach you how to sew with zippers! LOL I started sewing at the age of seven and have loved every minute I've ever sewn.

    I am your newest follower.


  9. My oh-so-talented friend made me a zippered pouch last christmas and I absolutely love it! hand-made presents are hard to beat.

  10. My oh-so-talented friend made me a zippered pouch last christmas and I absolutely love it! hand-made presents are hard to beat.

  11. My oh-so-talented friend made me a zippered pouch last christmas and I absolutely love it! hand-made presents are hard to beat.


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