Halloween Love: Last Minute Parrot Costume

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I just love an easy costume with a lot of impact so this story in the latest Martha Stewart issue jumped right out at me.  It could not be an easier costume to make and happens to make a great compliment to any pirate.

Photo by Bryan Gardner. Courtesy of Martha Stewart Halloween Special Issue. Copyright ©2013

Instructions can be found here.  Not crazy about parrots?  What about an owl? Cute on its own or next to Harry Potter!

Can we have a costume parade in here?  I want to see what all of you are dressing up as this Halloween.   


  1. The peacock would be a great work costume since it's not really getting in your way all day!

    I just blogged about my husband and my costumes today...wherein I look hideous and share it on the internet. I went as the Lady in Red from Dodgeball and my huz as the clergyman from The Princess Bride.


    1. Love it! And go you for making yourself ugly. I always try to be cute but ugly is way more fun.

  2. Love the parrot! I did spend a Halloween in a feather boa and my neck still itches with the memory. Maybe with a high turtle neck....

    1. Good point -The feathers do drive you nuts after a while but nothing compared to a more elaborate costume :)

  3. I can't wait to see what you and your family dress up as this year! I just shared pics of costumes my husband and I made. He courageously modeled both of them for me. :-)

    1. Great job. I'm adding your link here so other people can see your great DIY dinosaur hoodies. http://ceci-bean.blogspot.com/2013/10/last-minute-costume-dinosaurs.html#comment-form

  4. Went to a party last weekend, not sure how many people knew who we were! :-) http://instagram.com/p/f9AOSIt-Tq/

  5. haha NICE! I love it-simple but still super cute! I was lazy this year so now i'm going to be a scarecrow...haha
    thanks for sharing

  6. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Thanks for sharing, great idea and like you said, makes a big impact. I would totally wear this to work tomorrow (I am a big Halloween lover like you) except that I'm in Sydney for three months on a work project and Halloween is not a big deal here. So sad to miss it but pinning this so I can rock it next year.

  7. you are the queen of Halloween

  8. I'm dressing up as Mako Mori from Pacific Rim. I just love her character so much.

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