Date Night: Pottery Class!

Thursday, November 21, 2013


It's a total cliche but as new parents, we really don't do much one on one anymore.  We know we should but we've had lots of time to spend alone before baby came along so it just hasn't been a top priority.  Even if we set aside some time, sometimes just going to a movie or out to dinner doesn't feel special enough to warrant getting a sitter. So when HowAboutWe, a dating site that expanded to include a service that offers fun experience dates for us old married couples, asked if I would be interested in giving it a try, I couldn't say yes fast enough!


Headquartered in Brooklyn but serving the entire NYC area (and SF, Chicago & Seattle) they've lined up so many great date night experiences, it wasn't easy to pick one. Would we take an archery class?  See a movie in Bed Stuy while sipping champagne? Take a Brooklyn Oyster Eating Tour? It was a tough call but we decided to try our hands at an introduction pottery class.  What better way to spend quality time together than learning something totally new to both of us? Plus getting messy seemed like a good way to get out of our comfort zones. Booking was easy - just pick the date on the site and HowAboutWe took care of all the details for us.


On the big day, off we went to Mud, Sweat & Tears with a bottle of wine and an open mind.  I wasn't sure what to expect but let me tell you, we had THE BEST TIME!  It felt a little sinful doing something just for us but oh so fun.  The evening started off with some instruction from the class leaders.  It seemed easy enough. We had seen Ghost, we could do this! Just plop the mud down, get the wheel spinning and dive in.  Then we got to our own wheels and they let us work.  Let's just say its not as easy at looks.  Thankfully our classmates and instructors were all there to have a good time so they helped us where we needed it (a lot!) and didnt take anything too seriously. We laughed (at our own ineptness!), we cried (I spilled my wine!), we made bowls.  Many unchained melody jokes and memories were made that night.

It was just a great time all around and I can not wait to book another HowAboutWe date night!  The only trouble will be narrowing down our choices.

I've been holding off on this post with the hopes I could show you our finished pieces but its takes a few weeks to fire our mudsdterpieces.  In the meantime, get your own date night cooking with HowAboutWe by signing up here and getting $50 off your first date (expires 12/31/13).


Disclosure: Although this post is sponsored, all opinions expressed are my own.

All the great candid photos above were taken by the very talented Liz Clayman


  1. You guys are the cutest. This actually looks like a ton of fun. Great business idea for the company!

    1. Definitely one of those "why didn't I think of this?" idea. Almost every couple I know could really use some help in mixing it up.

  2. B and I took a pottery class together this spring and had a blast. I love all the pieces we made and brought home. Total Anthropology vibe without the price tag,
    I can't wait to see your finished pieces. Looks like you had a lot of fun!

    1. I'm super excited to see how they turned out. We made a few so my original thought was for some matching bowls. Of course none of them are the same size or shape (see: a lot harder than it looks!) but I'm sure we can do something fun with them.

  3. This looks wonderfully fun. With three kids of my own, this might just be what's needed to get my husband and I some one on one time that we so desperately need. Thanks for the post.

    1. It really was a blast. Making plans ahead of time like this really forced us to keep the date (because you know how it goes - things get in the way) and I'm so glad we did it.

  4. They should expand this beyond dates! My family and I love gifting each other with things to do together. None of us need anything new but we don't get to see each other enough because we are so busy with life. This year, for Mother's Day, I bought my Mom and I a class to glass fusing. Last year we made willow furniture in a class at the local garden nursery.

    Creative classes are so much fun!

    1. Actually I think they are way ahead of you. Pretty sure they have a family option now too but its just starting.

  5. What a great idea. This brings back memories of when I took a pottery class a couple of years ago. It was fun but I was not meant to make pottery. My pieces were more like really awful modern art and the clay we were using was not the soft squishy kind I thought it would be. It was rough and kinda hurt my hands. Or maybe I'm just a total wuss which is not unlikely.

    1. Once you see our finished pieces, you'll get a sense of just how much help the instructors were giving us. The piece I did myself looked like a 4 year old craft project gone wrong but all of the ones were had their guidance, came out looking really cool. So maybe try it again with a different instructor?

  6. I tried to sign up but it's only in big cities. Wah wah.

  7. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Fun! I've always wanted to try making pottery and that archery class sounds great. While I'm never one to turn my nose up at dinner at Buvette, I'd be up for something like this. Thanks for the info.

    1. Is Buvette some hot new restaurant I know nothing about? :)

  8. Ooooh, I'm in Seattle and will certainly check this out. My BF is always up for something new.


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