What to make for Thanksgiving?

Friday, November 08, 2013

I know I tend to mentally jump right to Christmas after Halloween but I don't want to entirely forget about Thanksgiving.  Any great recipes to share for side dishes/desserts you want to share?  Im coming up a little empty this year. Julia Child I'm not!

Lucky for me, I'm not doing the Thanksgiving cooking but I want to have a little something from me to share.


  1. Is the celebration at your own home, or somewhere else? If at your own home and you have room in the oven, a large open tray of assorted root veg - potatoes, carrots, swede, parsnips, cut into chunks, together with perhaps whole small mushrooms, sprinkled with a good taste of fennel seeds followed by a nice glub of olive oil over the top and just roasted in the oven (30-45 mins depending on heat of oven and size of dish). If not at your home - take the wine!

    1. Do they all cook evenly together like that? I do like a good roast vegetable but I never realized I can cook them all together!

  2. I found this recipe from a blogger who adapted it from a Disney recipe. Yes, you read that right. Disney, go figure. It is a Thai Curry and Coconut butternut squash soup. The hubs and I enjoyed it so much that we added it to our Thanksgiving meal one year and everyone loved it. So it's become a winter staple as soups are a mainstay in our Minnesota home. It's always nice to change things up a bit. Enjoy. http://www.eclecticcook.com/thai-curry-and-coconut-butternut-squash-soup/

    1. Thanks so much. I'll check it out. I'm not usually a coconut fan but sometimes I can surprise myself :)

  3. It might be more of a southwestern-appropriate dish for the fall, but I personally think it is AMAZING!!! Easy, keeps well if you want to make it the night before, and is SUPER delicious. :-)


    1. Interesting. I would have not thought to mix quinoa and guac! Thanks for sharing.

  4. We host Thanksgiving and I cook the full T-Day dinner each year. Here is one of our favorite desserts: http://www.thevspotblog.com/2012/12/mocha-brownie-tart-yummy-in-my-tummy.html Someone always brings a pumpkin pie, so it's nice to have something chocolate. What about appetizers? This is one of the easiest (and best) cheese balls I have ever tasted and you can make them ahead of time/keep frozen until needed. http://myblessedlife.net/2011/11/cheese-ball-recipe.html

    1. That tart looks sooooo good right about now. Thanks for sharing.

      Is it crazy that I have never seen or tasted a cheese ball before? Are they good?

  5. Corn Pudding. I know it sounds weird but it is SO delicious, we never have left overs because everyone hoovers it up right away AND you can make a version in the crockpot so it doesn't need time in the oven.

    It isn't a pudding or a bread, it really is a vegetable side dish. The cornbread mix just holds things together.

    There are a bunch of different recipes out there but I find this easy one is delicious and super simple. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/easy-corn-pudding/

    1. Ive never tasted that but it sounds like a great thanksgiving side. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Oops, I should have given you a link to the crock pot version of the corn pudding reciep. Doing a quick search, I can only find ones with a couple eggs in it. I swear there is a version with no eggs but I guess one more ingredient isn't the end of the world. http://www.cooks.com/recipe/ek9lb6k7/crock-pot-corn-pudding.html

  7. For a change on pumpkin pie, I like to make baked pumpkin pudding with hard sauce: http://wildinkpress.com/blog/2011/11/08/baked-pumpkin-pudding/ The whiskey sauce is to die for.

  8. I worked at Williams Sonoma and this is one of my favorite recipes from them that I saved. It was a HUGE hit when I served it as an appetizer at Thanksgiving one year. It is called Savory Pecan Pumpkin Spread with Bacon. You need: 4 oz Muirhead Pecan Pumpkin Butter (sold at WmSonoma), 8 oz. softened cream cheese, 3 strips bacon (cooked and diced), 2 green onions (finely diced), 1 cup pecans (chopped). Mix ingredients together until well blended. Serve with crackers, apple slices, crudités, etc. It is such an easy recipe and SO good!

    1. Thanks...that sounds perfect for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I dont eat nuts but I bet a lot of other people would love it. Can i make it the day before?

  9. I make this sweet onion pudding every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It will remind you of a soufflé or crustless quiche. It’s so unbelievably good. You can make it a day ahead, it reheats very well and may taste better the second day! http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/sweet-onion-pudding-10000000392358/

    1. Sounds yummy! I'm going to try it.

  10. seriously try this http://www.pinterest.com/pin/73113193923691346/ easy easy creme brulee, it needs to be made ahead and let to cool, the sugar topping is done last minute. It was so much easier than I could have imagined.

  11. this is the most favorite recipe that I make everyone loves it so I would say make two if you have a big crowd http://chriskauffman.blogspot.ca/2012/06/survey-says.html , honestly you will love it .

  12. I made pumpkin risotto last year for a get together and it was a hit even with pickier eaters and it can be vegetarian if you need it to be. Make it the night before and then just keep it on warm in a crock pot.

    Also, braised Brussels sprouts are a favorite. You can do a lot of different flavor combos - balsamic and a little dijon, maple/sriracha, honey/ginger. Just about any combination of sweet and acidic/spicy works!

    Oh and for dessert, always chocolate cream pie! The recipe from America's Test Kitchen has never failed me.

    1. I love roasted brussel sprouts but they get cold so fast. Do you have a way to keep them warm tha tI'm missing? Chocolate cream pie sounds great - Ill check that recipe out.

  13. I put all my Thanksgiving recipes in one spot if you're interested. We're going to my aunt's this year, so I haven't decided what to make.

    1. Thanks. Off to check it out now.

    2. So does the Rice Pudding pie taste like rice pudding? That is one of my favorite desserts but I cant get my mind around it in pie form.

  14. Here's a favorite recipe I discovered a few yrs ago. http://www.southernplate.com/2011/11/cranberry-crunch-and-ghosts-of-thanksgiving-past.html

    A great side or a dessert.

  15. I recently made a pumpkin dump cake. It was really easy and good.

    1. Pumpkin Dump? Do you have a recipe to share?

  16. I have a famous Louisiana spinach receipe. If you are interested I will send. We do not have a holiday without it.

    1. I'd love to hear about it. I'm not sure what Louisiana spinach is but I do love Spinach.

  17. There is a local ravioli company that I use every year... pumpkin ravioli. All you have to do is boil the pasta and serve with some melted butter with salt, pepper, and sage. Call them to see where they sell in Brooklyn. You can also fry them and make mini pumpkin pies with some melted french vanilla ice cream for sauce. http://www.saporeravioli.com

    1. Thanks. We have a lot of fresh pasta options here but I never even thought of that. Not having to make it from scratch = priceless :)

  18. Oh MAN....This was a great Idea Stephanie! I have saved several above. My go to is simple, delish, better the next day....and even kinda healthy. http://coconutsandlimes.blogspot.com/2010/11/traditions.html

    1. That looks really tasty. I love cranberries in my salad.

  19. I'm making a veggie side that I love - roasted broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, and carrots with a gremolata of pecans, parmesan, parsley, and lemon. Really easy, travels well, and delicious!

    1. Thanks Jennifer. Do the veggies all cook evenly together? Its funny I just assumed these things all cook at different rates. Looks like Ive been roasting veggies seperately my whole life for nothing!

  20. This year I am making this Apple Cream Cheese Bundt cake. It was in an issue of Southern Living a few years ago that I saved and never actually made until this year. Boy! Was I missing out. My husband literally eats about half the cake himself each time I make it. (Not in one sitting, but I bet he would if given the chance.) It's a lot easier than it first appears to be and if you have a thing to peel, core and slice apples all at one, the half the battle is done. http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/apple-cream-cheese-bundt-cake-50400000115369/

  21. I think apple pie is a must on Thanksgiving and I have spent many, many years trying to find the perfect recipe. Here it is: http://blog.bucklette.com/thanks-for-pie-among-other-things/

  22. I love that image of Julia Child! :) We just created a healthier Thanksgiving eBook if you're interested, it's free! Check it out: http://bit.ly/16VS0V9


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