Shore Kitchen *Almost* Done

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

It was just about a year ago when we started our shore kitchen reno and its done. Well almost but I'll get to that later. No terrible backstory for the delay - we just weren't in a big rush since the complex and town was a bit of a disaster last year. Sorry, I know that isn't very blogger of me - a faster before and after is a lot more exciting - but that's not my life.  So for those who have been following along, thanks for bearing with me.
shore kitchen |

It was definitely worth the wait.  The space is so open and clean.  The whole apartment feels bigger and brighter!  It's by no means perfect - we tried to keep a reasonable budget nor did we radically change the layout but I love it.

shore kitchen |

I just have a couple of things left to do.  First - it needs some artwork on the bare wall.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with a jellyfish print but I'm still debating. (Maybe those jellies would look better in the living room?)  The only other thing on the punch list is to change one of the backsplash outlets to a GFI so it matches (its driving me crazy looking at the mismatched outlets but I keep forgetting to buy a new one)

Once those things are done, I'll post all of the sources, etc. but if you have any questions, just ask.

In case you missed some of the prior posts, here are the shore kitchen project cliff notes:
in progress democabinets, paint, floor, details


  1. That light in the eating nook...I die! Where did you get it from?

    1. Thanks Julia. It was made by the very talented Jeremy Pickett. You can see more of his work at his site:

      I blogged about this light here:

  2. I love it!!! Every. single. thing! I am swooning over your shelves! I am looking for something similar for my family room. Where are they from?

    1. Thanks Karen. The brackets for the shelves were found after debating every kind of style imaginable (post with sources here: )

    2. Thanks so much for the link! I just ordered them! :)

  3. it is looking so gorgeous!!! love all of the choices you've made.

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I know I've commented before about this but....the backsplash. I'm in love. Enjoy your new kitchen. Happy Cooking!

  5. I remember the shore place from back in the early days of your blog (and probably before I started mine). It looks fantastic!

  6. It's a beautiful transformation. I love it!

  7. Very pretty! And I think your kitchen might be even narrower than my very narrow kitchen! Do you plan to reverse the swing on the refrigerator! That would drive me nuts!

    1. Thanks Peggy. I don't plan on switching because a) Im right handed so opening it the other way would feel totally weird to me and b) the baby's high chair is to the left of the fridge so its a lot easier for me to be able to just grab stuff from the fridge on that side. I actually never considered switching it b/c its completely functional this way but I see what you mean in that it probably should be switched to create a more perfect cooking triangle.

  8. I really like the counter top!!
    It's kinda tight space for american preference, but at least it has nice dining nook with lots of natural light...

    Follow the Royal Peach

  9. This looks great! I love the counter top & back splash combo. What material are the counters?


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