Elf (Not On a Shelf) Takes NYC

It's that time of year again - when the world fractures into two discreetly different kind of people. Those who enjoy the elf on the shelf ruse in all of its different incarnations and those who despise this little voyeur.

Shocker, I am cleanly in the former category. Up until now I have enjoyed watching my friends share their elf adventures without even a hint of irony.  Now I get to join in on the fun. And I scratch my head to wonder how anyone could resist it?  (Just like Im sure the anti-elf camp can't possibly figure out the allure.)

I realize its not at all cool and some may roll their eyes and warn me off. While Aggie absolutely loves to find the elf in a new spot each morning, I enjoy her delight even more. I'll happily trade my hipness for that any day. I understand the holidays are stressful and its perfectly justifiable to skip it but it's the highlight of my mornings so I'm on team elf all the way!

We are doing it pretty simple for now - just moving elf spot to spot each night (I see no need to put our elf in hilarious positions just yet but I will certainly do it in the future as Aggie gets older). I'm also having elf stowaway in my purse so I can snap her photo all over town at it's most magical time of year. This way Aggie can also "find" her elf on my phone via the camera roll. So if you want to watch as our elf takes on New York City, follow along on instagram and facebook.

So spill it!  Are you on team Elf Not On a Shelf or Elf Take a Long Walk Off a Short Pier?


  1. Good idea! We just got Elf on the Shelf from a family member and I haven't started it as I am struggling what to do. My son is nearly 2.5 so maybe moving it just from location to location for now will work for us. I don't think we're going to tell him about watching for his good and bad behavior as that freaks me out, so I can't imagine a 3, 4, 5 yr old. Keep it light, right?!

    1. While I don't object to the concept that there are consequences to bad behavior, the elf is definitely just for fun right now. But I reserve the right to threaten my misbehaving child with elf reports down the road :)

  2. As someone who sweats it when one of my kids loses a tooth & I have to remember to be the TF, I can't imagine willingly subjecting myself to 24 nights in a row of that kind of pressure! ;) For those who enjoy it, I say "go for it".

    1. So far its been pretty easy to remember since I move it at the same time I shut off the tree. I'm sure I'll forget at some point but I'm not stressed about it. If it happens, it happens.

  3. I think it's hysterical. I don't have kids, but keep meaning to do it for my husband; I just forget.

    I know my elf will be a smart-ass and X rated.

    I have a friend who thinks they are the creepiest things EVAH and is convinced they will kill you in your sleep. It is also my intention to one day send her one clutching a bloody knife. (Fake blood!)

    1. Real blood would be far scarier :)

    2. LOL!!!! It sure would...hmmmmm.....

  4. Surprisingly, I love having an elf. I resisted for so long until my 8 yo son asked me for one and I gave a big explanation that only Santa sent the elves. He rolled his eyes and told me to go buy one at Target. All righty then! I've had so much fun with it and the kids' reactions every morning are so funny.

    1. Yes exactly! Kudos to your 8 year old.

  5. Love this, I will have to try it. Especially when my son is at his Dads' for the weekend.

  6. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I love your instagram pics! I 'm definitely in The Elf takes on NYC camp!

  7. We do Elf on the Shelf. But it freaks me out. However, my daughter LOVES the thing...

  8. This is our first year and it keeps my 4 year old and 3 year old from fighting because "Sparkle" is watching :) They love it and I made a list in November and set an alarm on my phone so I know what she is going to be doing and my phone reminds me each night to move her.

  9. I agree! The elf brings smiles every morning and I do love seeing my children smile. P.S. I will miss seeing your elf Facebook post.'Till next year!


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