Pretend Paris Birthday Party

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

I like to think we did a nice shindig for Aggie's Baby, It's Cold Outside 1st birthday party but last year I was just not feeling so inspired and she really had no idea so we decided to skip it altogether. This year was very different - she is hip to all the birthday fanfare so I got to thinking on a theme.  We decided to go with a pretend play Paris themed party (Oui! Aggie is 3!) - not only because she has a love of the sparkly eiffel tower (she is positive every tower is THE eiffel tower -whatever!) but also because pretend play at this age is just about the cutest thing ever.

The centerpiece of the pretend play were three play stations - a patisserie, a dress up boutique and a make your own stuffed animal menagerie station.  I had plans to build them myself until the amazing That's My Letter offered to lend a hand.  I could hardly believe my luck!  (But more on that next week where I'll share lots more details on each).  The kids absolutely loved them.

Of course I had to stick with the theme for kids ands adults alike.  The menu included a crepe bar, french wine and lots of french desserts.

The birthday girl had a blast! We had almost 30 kids here and each seemed to find something to enjoy. (I will spare you a photo of the party underway or the aftermath as it looked like a toddler rave!)  But I think everyone had fun so it makes all the work totally worth it.

Stay tuned for more details on how to DIY those play stations next week.


  1. Thank you for the mental image of a toddler rave. It soulds like a complete success!

  2. Can I start over and come back with you as my mom? You had me at French desserts. You will need to do this theme again when Aggie is older so she can brag about what a cool mom she has. Vikki in VA.

  3. Wow! What a delightful event, for both children and adults. Absolutely beautiful.

  4. Ha! Cracking up at your, Die Ugly Toys tag for this post. And you ALWAYS have thee best parties! I'm in awe of your party-throwing abilities, my friend!

  5. Just gorgeous. All of it. When's our next gig?

  6. Gorgeous! You really do throw the best parties. And thirty kids? Goodness, I think I would have curled up into a post-birthday party ball and hibernated 'til spring.

  7. Aggie is one lucky girl! Those desserts looked too pretty to eat!

  8. This is the cutest EVER!!

  9. What a cute theme! Perfect for your daughter and I am sure all had a good time. My mouth was watering looking at the food.

  10. Wow, that was nice!

  11. Très mignon! And she gets to keep the play stations and have more toddler raves!

  12. I have run out of adjectives. This is soooooo adorable! AND elegant!

  13. Great job-- so creative! And it reminds me... I'm working on an idea that you just might adore. Will check back with you if it turns out, in a month or two! :-)

  14. Where did you get the Photo Booth props? I ADORE that set. My sister's bridal shower is Parisian theme :)

    1. Hi Michelle - I got the photo props on Amazon.

      Here is the link:

  15. And if you could share about the patisserie sketch on the white paper, that would be so helpful!!!

    1. I drew that one myself on white kraft paper.


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