My supermarket had these little herb plants on sale for $2 each and I happened to have both the pots and the tension rod hanging around so I put this up and I was done. (If you want to make your own version, you will need a tension rod and these Ikea utensil holders.) I just need to pick up one more pot to hang my rosemary and I'll feel like Ina Garten!
When these herbs die (which they surely will as I kill most plants), I'll head out to my slightly more elaborate DIY outdoor hanging planter and bring in a few succulents. For Christmas I might replace them with those tiny little evergreens that look adorable with tiny lights. The options are endless!

Should you be in the mood for something more elaborate, I DIY'd this gift wrap organizer with lots of Ikea doodads a while back.
Will a tension rod hold them when they have been watered? What happened to your blogs that you read ?