But there are some rare cases of a truly better mousetrap. It just takes one little crack in the facade to see the light. Case in point, we installed the Schlage Sense deadbolt at our shore place and I am.in.love.

I had been thinking of replacing our standard deadbolt with a keyless deadbolt for years but now we have finally done it, it's such a huge convenience. The advantages are many - especially in a vacation home.
- No longer having to carry a key to the beach preventing the whole "hide the key in a shoe" game. Nope, criminals will never figure out our genius hiding place!
- Never having to make a copy of a key again. Sorry local hardware store.
- Being able to give friends and family their own unique codes (and being able to turn them on and off at will)
- Being able to give temporary codes as needed to the occasional plumber or condo inspection
- Never being locked out again because you forgot your key (no, that never happens to me - my mind is a steel trap!)
- Schlage Sense has a keyed option (although I don't plan on ever using that - keys are for suckers)

So what took me so long? Well, I was worried it would be difficult to install (I was wrong - it installed with a screwdriver), I was worried it wouldn't be secure (wrong again - it meets the highest industry rating for security), I was concerned it wouldn't work with our less than stellar Wi-Fi signal (no issue here because it uses Bluetooth, not Wi-Fi). So essentially I was worried about absolutely nothing and I'm so pleased I got over my fears and went ahead and joined the modern age.

What about you? Does new technology scare you off or peak your interest?
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Schlage. The opinions and text are all mine.